Our History
In 2008, Rebecca Tolstoy and Helena Everkrans-Smith, two swedish mothers contacted The Salvation Army, Perth, Western Australia in HOPE to raise money in support of women and children experiencing Family Violence. In the planning stages Helena had more children and time was limited. However, Rebecca continued with support of the founding and current treasurer, Brendan Watson CPA, in the quest to find funds. She didn’t find any funds at in 2008 the global financial crises hit however, she found some vital pro-bono services in form of lawyers and counseling services, which was much needed at the refuge at the time.
In 2011 Rebecca was invited by John Garland AM to joined Perth Rotary.
Perth Rotary have delivered many large and outstanding projects since its inception in 1926. One of those Projects is Passages, founded by David Reed OAM | Past President of Perth Rotary. Rebecca was in inspired by the great work and structure of passages (Perth Rotary supporting St Vincent De Paul, providing help and practical support to homeless children from age 12-24).
Rebecca received permission from the Perth Rotary board to bring Path of Hope - breaking the intergenerational cycle for family violence, in to Perth Rotary by and creating a collaboration between Perth Rotary and The Salvation Army in Western Australia.
Many amazing mini projects was launched such as the garden blitz, renovation of the learning center, women to women mentoring and much more…
In 2013 Path of Hope was officially launched as a collaboration between the Rotary Club of Perth and the Salvation Army in Western Australia.
The Salvation Army provides secure accommodation for women and women with children in several confidential locations throughout Australia (this includes emergency accommodation and medium-term accommodation). Through the provision of personal support and practical assistance, the Salvation Army aims to promote independent living, encouraging women to take control of their lives and helps empower them to break the cycle of abuse through a range of workshops and living skills programs.
Path of Hope Rotarians created in collaboration with The Salvation Army and high schools in Perth, the kid to kid mentoring program.
Twice a week four Year 11 students from Perth College and Hale School attend The Salvation Army’s women and children’s Family Violence refuge. The students mentor the children with homework and play.
The initiative has since inspired Rotary Clubs and local Salvation Army operators in the United States of America.
A few Projects
Path of Hope Foundation Annual Gala
Since 2016 Path of Hope Foundation has an annual Gala. The Gala is a special evening event to celebrate the survivors of Family Violence, thank The Salvation Army for their amazing work with victims/survivors 365 days of the year and share with victims/survivors everywhere that there is HOPE after Family Violence, as a community we care.
Thanks to our guests, volunteers and to our Major Sponsors since inception Hancock Prospecting and Roy Hill of which Mrs Gina Rinehart is the Chair, this is our most celebrated and inspirational evening of the year!